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5 Amazing Ingredients For Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief (Plus 1 Awesome Juice Recipe!)

The convenience of technology, and almost everything paired with a remote, using our legs have slowly become more of an option and this semi-dormant lifestyle has led to an increasing number of people inflicted with joint pain and arthritis.
The CDC states 1 in 5 U.S. adults report of being diagnosed with arthritis and with 7.3% of those coming from the 18-44 age bracket, this proves arthritis is no longer something only “old people” have.
How do you increase the risk of getting arthritis? Statistics say the odds are greater if you identify to any of the following:
- Obese or overweight
- Not getting enough exercise
- With a family history of arthritis
- A smoker
- Have a physically stressful occupation
If you suffer from arthritis now or if you think you could have arthritis in the future, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to treat, and even prevent, arthritis. One of them is by eating foods that can reduce inflammation and there are plenty of foods to choose from.
Here are 5 Ingredients for Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief!
- Orange
Let’s start with everyone’s favorite fruit juice flavor. Oranges have dietary carotenoids and a study shows just one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice per day is enough to help reduce inflammation, which could develop into arthritis.
- Hibiscus
Hibiscus tea is known to be quite the cure all. The fact that it’s an antioxidant means it has innate benefits for hypertension, high cholesterol, as well as help improve the immune system. As if that wasn’t enough, Hibiscus is also notable for its ability to help fight inflammation.
- Cherries
When you have a bad case of inflammation it’s almost automatic to think of eating cherries and researchers can’t help but agree. It’s a universal recovery food that has high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. As a bonus, they also make quite a delicious addition to just about any dessert.
- Ginger
We all know ginger as a form of cookie, tea, and as garnish but studies confirm the many healing properties of consuming the spice and arthritis treatment is one of them.
- Broccoli
We were all kids before, so it’s completely understandable if we didn’t eat our broccoli back then. Now that we’re adults, and have a lot more pains, it’s probably high time we change and eat as many of this green vegetable as we can. It’s considered a superfood capable of a lot of healthy elements and being a treatment for arthritis is no exception.
Juicing For Arthritis
The foods mentioned can be consumed normally by eating them raw or as part of a healthy meal, but wouldn’t it be better if you were to juice them instead? That not only saves you time from chewing or cleaning up, but it also helps the body absorb the nutrients better which means the relief from pain is also faster.
Here’s one quick and easy juicing recipe for arthritis. We don’t have a name for it so feel free to call it whatever you like. Enjoy!
- 1 peeled fresh orange
- 1 large handful of cherries
- 2 inch piece of fresh root ginger
- 1 handful spinach
- Wash the ingredients
- Cut orange, remove pit from cherries
- Juice ’em up!
Optional ingredients
- 1 handful of grapes
- 3-4 small pieces of turmeric root