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Everything You Should Know About Juicing Diets

Sure, juicing diets are super trendy, and it seems like everyone is starting to discover just how great they can be.
The truth is, they can be insanely beneficial, but you have to know exactly what they are before you just jump on that juice fast train.
Take the time to really understand them, and you will not only be prepared to decide whether it is something you want to do, but you will also know just what you can expect from doing so.
Juicing Fasts Are Not Quick Fixes
Contrary to some of the reports out there, a single three day juice fast is not going to fix everything.
It is not designed to be a complete weight loss solution, and it won’t cure cancer or completely get rid of other major health concerns – it is only three days!
What it will do, however, is help your body get on the right track, which can help with those other things in the long run.
A juice fast gives your body a chance to take a break from all those sugary, preservative-filled foods that are often a major part of most American diets.
This means that you are helping your body get rid of all those built up toxins in a natural way, rather than trying to resort to some sort of pill or potion that often causes even more damage.
Not all Fasts Are the Same
There are hundreds of different fasts out there, but juicing diets are not like most of them. Juicing is not a fad, which is something that is typically short-lived, with no real basis in actually providing lasting benefits.
Most fads are certainly not healthy, and some can even be dangerous. Juicing, however, actually provides your body with tons of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are all building blocks to a healthy body.
Juicing cleanses do require you to give up solid foods for a few days, but you are not robbing your body of the things it needs to be healthy.
Instead, for many who decide to take up juicing, you are actually giving your body nutrients that it hasn’t had in quite a long time.
You are finally getting those five USDA-recommended daily servings of vegetables, which is huge considering that most adults barely get three servings on an average day.
Juicing Diets Don’t Equal Fasting
While you are most likely to hear about a juicing cleanse, there are other options available. Some diets are based on incorporating healthful vegetable juices in a way that makes your diet healthier.
You will still be able to eat solid foods, but you will also pay closer attention to what you are putting in your body. This type of diet is especially beneficial for those who have health conditions that may make a fast dangerous.
There are alternatives, and with the right health coach, you can integrate juicing diets in a way that will help you reap all those benefits in the best ways for your unique situation.
Choices Matter
When you are going to do a juice fast, you have to make sure that you choose juices that you can actually drink. Some veggies have strong tastes, and if you truly can’t stand the taste, you should make sure it isn’t a part of your juices to start with.
You have to be able to tolerate the juices that are going into your body, or you will give up before you really get started. It’s a good idea to try out a few juices ahead of time, so you can make sure they will work for your fast.
You Have to Prepare
A juicing fast is not something you can just wake up one morning and decide to do – especially if your body is used to a horrible diet, plenty of caffeine, and lots of processed foods.
You will want to start decreasing certain foods and beverages a few days before you start the diet so that your body is better prepared for the cleansing.
Making sure to prepare in advance will make the adjustments a bit easier, and help prevent some nasty withdrawal symptoms that you really don’t want to have to deal with during the cleanse.
You Might Lose Weight, But…
A juicing cleanse may result in you losing a few pounds over the three days (or however long you choose to do), but don’t expect a huge drop. You should also not expect that weight to stay off if you go right back to the same eating habits after the diet.
If you want to juice for weight loss, the cleanse is a great way to get started, but it isn’t the only answer. You will need to make changes in your diet and lifestyle if you truly want to lose weight and get healthier.
After you do a juicing cleanse, you can continue to use juices as part of a new diet that includes healthy food choices to lose weight.
You will also have to remember that you shouldn’t use the juices as meal replacements, unless starting your day with a juice for breakfast – consider them in place of your normal snacks, and drink water or healthy teas with your meals for best results.
Safety is Relative
Any time you are planning on drastically altering your eating habits, you have to consider your current health, and speak to your doctor. If you have a health condition, this is especially important, and even more so if you take daily medications. Juicing is perfectly safe when it is done correctly for your body.
It isn’t a one size fits all solution, but it can be tailored to your specific needs so that you can get the most benefit out of juicing. Your doctor and health coach can also work together to develop the best solution, which will only give you better results.
Juicing diets are a great way to get started on a new, healthier path. As long as you take the time to truly understand the process, and what you need to do, you will be able to experience serious results, and your body will thank you.